Monorean Inbox Guide
Receive the pictures from your Monorean Cam in Monorean Inbox
Image Gallery
From the image gallery, you will be able to view images taken with Monorean Cam in real time.
Empty image gallery
Receiving photos in the image gallery from the Monoran Cam video
From the gallery you can see each image in full size:
Receiving photos in the images gallery from the Monoran Cam video
In the upper left of the image gallery, you can monitor the status of your Monorean Cam.
Accessing the Gallery
Once you have prepared and set-up your Monorean Cam, log into your Monorean Inbox account and simply click Connect on your Monorean Cam:
Click on Access
You will be automatically redirected to the image gallery.
Remember to turn on your Monorean Cam beforehand.